15 Hygiene Supplies That All Preppers Should Stockpile
Hygiene should be a priority in any savvy prepper's planning activities. No matter if it’s a hurricane, electricity out, or a more violent type of conflict like civil unrest; taking care of your body's most basic needs should be one of your priorities after securing immediate safety and shelter. Certain family members may have very specific hygiene needs such as children, the elderly, and females. Start your planning by thinking specifically about your immediate family members and the unique hygiene needs they each may have.
You’ll also want to make sure that you secure hygiene supplies prior to an emergency occurring because the roads may become impossible or there may be other dangerous obstacles blocking your route to supply. In a true emergency, the stores may already be closed or may be occupied by looters who have no concern for your well-being or safety, or your family‘s needs. Perhaps the store has been completely destroyed by the natural disaster. Planning ahead is essential.
When planning, think about what you need and what you use throughout the typical day and week. Toothpaste and toilet paper alone are not going to save you and keep your family clean and healthy. And if the water and electricity goes out, you need to have some alternate ways of keeping yourself clean on hand.
Staying clean in an emergency situation is good for not only your body but also for your mental well-being too. If you’re dirty and aren’t able to keep yourself clean you’re going to be uncomfortable and not feeling well, which can snowball mentally in an emergency situation, and can quickly even lead to sickness (and death).
Having the supplies your family needs stocked and safely secured will equate to a much lower stress level than others who have not prepared as well. You won’t have to get on the roads or fight with others at stores for the last supplies on the shelves, and you can focus on securing your homestead and getting your family to safety. People will get scared and aggressive in unexpected ways, so steering clear of stores can really lower your stress level in a crisis.
Below is a list of essentials that you’ll want to store before a crisis occurs. Most of these supplies have a long shelf life, but anything that is perishable will need to be rotated regularly. You may want to sit down and make your own list if there’s any additional items that a specific family need or member may need during a crisis, such as diabetic or children’s supplies.
Here's the list for savvy preppers:
- Toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash: store a few extras for each family member or in case you have guests. These supplies last pretty long, but you’ll want to check the date on your toothpaste and keep them fresh. Remember that mouthwash is an antiseptic that can be used for more than just cleaning the mouth.
- Toilet paper: if the Covid pandemic of 2020 taught us anything about hygiene needs and buying trends, you know that toilet paper is something that you should always keep a little extra stock on hand. As long as you keep it dry, you can store toilet paper pretty much forever. Who knows - toilet paper may be a good bargaining tool if a true crisis does come along.
- Soap: bar soap seems to last a long time and transports well. Any soap you like is fine to stock. In an emergency you can also wash your clothes with the same soap.
- Wet wipes: if your water service gets interrupted or you need to be on the go, you’re going to want wet wipes. They are quick to pack and could be used for multiple things including cleaning your whole body.
- Shampoo: this hygiene supply is one that your family will always need. They can also be used for cleaning the whole body or washing clothes.
- Hand sanitizer: depending on the type of crisis, hand sanitizer can really come in handy for keeping your hands clean on the go. You can also be helpful if you don’t have access to water for cleaning your hands, like if you’re camping or traveling.
- Hand lotion: this supply lasts for a few years in storage, but must be rotated and kept out of the heat or the lotion will start to degrade. Lotion is useful not only for the skin but also for the hair as conditioner. Pick a brand that you like, but has minimal fragrance or additives, in case someone with sensitive skin needs it.
- Sanitary pads: this hygiene item is important for women and for first aid situations.
- Towels: when you’re on the go in a crisis or if there is a water shortage, towels are very handy for wiping yourself down. Towels can also be used for many other things or for first aid situations.
- Portable toilet: How are you going to go to the bathroom or discard your body waste if the toilet stops running? Consider getting a portable toilet now or a composting toilet so that waste management is easier and more hygienic. Cedar chips or other compostable absorbent materials are helpful, but long-term planning may be warranted if the crisis lasts for an extended time.
- Q-tips: this hygiene supply lasts forever and can also be used for first aid purposes.
- Nail clippers and tweezers: keep a good pair of nail clippers and sharp-pointed tweezers; and perhaps a back up of both. Not only are these essential for hygiene, but they can also be used to clip things like string, skin, or other first aid purposes. Tweezers are great for removing splinters, bee stingers, or for other medical needs.
- Razors: unless you plan to go for wild man or wild woman, stocking raisers is a good idea so that you can keep yourself cleaned up.
- Hydrogen peroxide: this is a great hygiene supply or item to really stock up on. Hydrogen peroxide can be used for first aid and for dental care. As long as you keep it in a cool place out of the sun it pretty much lasts for years.
- Apple cider vinegar: this kitchen supply is actually a great hygiene supply too. It can be used for first aid and cleaning the skin, or take it internally for a number of upsets. You can also clean with vinegar.
Take note of any hygiene products that you use regularly and make sure to keep extra supplies on hand. For example if you have a baby, diapers and cleaning their bottles are obviously going to be a huge daily hygiene need.
In an emergency, hygiene products will always be in high demand. Stay ahead of the herd with your prep planning and take control of your family’s survival in an emergency situation.