Introduction: The Prepper's Complete Guide to Raising Chickens
An exert from the upcoming eBook "The Prepper's Complete Guide to Raising Chickens"
As a prepper planning for a major disaster or survival crisis, you must realize that keeping long-term food options is essential to your family’s survival. Nothing will matter more than securing water, food, and shelter. In a true emergency, grocery stores will quickly run out of food, be overrun by looters, or simply be closed; and food stockpiles will only last for so long before they run out.
You must create a long-term plan for producing your own food. Chickens are one of the best animals for food production during survival times that you can keep easily. This book will give you several reasons why chickens are beneficial on your homestead both in times of peace and times of chaos. This book will also save you time, money, and possibly the lives of your flock.
Raising chickens is a lot like keeping big parakeets, except you get the gift of a delicious egg (on most days) that you can eat and provides excellent nutrition, all in a portable, no-refrigeration-necessary shell. Parakeets aren’t intimidating to keep, but for some reason, people are intimidated by keeping a flock of chickens. Chickens do make a mess and require daily care, just like all birds do. And you would never keep a chicken in your house (except as people do regularly in the Philippines with Serama chickens).

Interesting Factoid: Serama chickens are the smallest breed of some 200-plus chicken breeds in the world - some Seramas are the size of a soda can. They are very personable chickens and make great pets, in addition to the delicious eggs that they lay almost every day and the fact that they are great brooders. These chickens are highly prized in shows for their unique stance and beautiful plumages. They even come in frizzled, curly-feather varieties with many color variations.
An enduring message I want you to hold onto from reading this book is the belief that you too can raise chickens successfully with the skills and resources you currently have at hand. Raising chickens for survival prepping is not rocket science - it’s an innate nurturing skill that all humans have been practicing for several thousands of years. So believe that you too can raise a healthy productive flock!
This book is divided into many chapters which break down the many topics you will want to learn about when raising a flock as a prepper. Each chapter will make suggestions or give you project ideas to help further your current skills and resources into a leverageable outcome. Action is the best outcome from your reading this book - don’t just sit on these prepping ideas.
Realize that part of learning something new - including prepping for survival after a disaster situation - is giving yourself the room to try new ideas and possibly fail at some of the projects you try. Sometimes bad occurrences happen: for example, sometimes birds die for unknown reasons and this reality can be emotionally hard - you would never want a bird to die and you certainly don’t want an illness or problem spreading to the rest of your flock.
Read, learn, practice. Prepare for your future, today!