RunningSnail Emergency Crank Solar Radio Review
An emergency crank solar radio is an essential emergency supply for every American household. No matter if you live in an area that experiences natural disasters like hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes, flooding, or tornados; or if we have an unexpected crisis where civilization changes as we know it - having an emergency crank solar radio will provide your family with the latest information and keep your cell phones charged. Even the best cell phones only have a few days of power if you don’t have a way to recharge the battery.
The RunningSnail Emergency Crank/Solar Radio charges easily by hand cranking a small handle on the side of the unit or by placing the radio with the solar panel pointed towards the sun for just a few minutes. With only a few seconds of charging you’ll generate enough power to utilize it’s functions. When you’re pepping for survival, having the ability to charge quickly, while being mobile on the go, and gaining so many helpful functions, makes this RunningSnail Emergency Crank/Solar Radio a top tool of any prepper’s supply list.
If the power goes out, then your lights go out too. That’s where this RunningSnail radio steps up with an adequately-lighted emergency flashlight, perfect for when you need light quickly. An emergency flashlight is drop resistant and is so much safer than lighting candles in your home, which could easily cause a secondary emergency.
All preppers should have access to an AM/FM and NOAA updates radio. This RunningSnail radio keeps you informed even when your power is out or the local tv station is not broadcasting - a real possibility with a number of emergency scenarios. Having an emergency radio will keep you informed of approaching inclement weather, give you locally relevant updates, and inform you of evacuation shelters in your area.
In the unfortunate crisis scenario where you have to leave your home unexpectedly, this radio is small and easy to carry in your bug out bag. Radios are much more useful than televisions in a crisis situation. No one is bringing their huge TV with them if they need to leave their home or camp out and there will be no power to hook it up to in a true SHTF emergency.
The RunningSnail Emergency Crank/ Solar Radio is durable and compact at only 6 by 2.5 by 3 inches in size. One of the best benefits of this emergency radio is that you will never need to put batteries in it, since it is rechargeable by solar or crank power over and over and over again. One minute of fast hand cranking will provide you with 6 minutes of radio time or 3 minutes of flashlight.
Being in the know is essential in an emergency survival situation. Knowing the latest weather or news for your area even when the power is out will give your family the Prepper edge. Get this awesome RunningSnail Emergency Crank/ Solar Radio for your supply kit and so you can begin practicing with this helpful tool.
This emergency crank/solar radio by RunningSnail is highly rated on Amazon and I have used one successfully for several years in my own prepper kit. With all of the extra features like a cell phone charger, the flashlight, a nightlight setting, and the ability to charge by solar and by crank; this is one of the best emergency radios available at at great price.
BUY RunningSnail Emergency Crank/ Solar AM/FM/NOAA Radio, with Flashlight/ Cell Charger
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