Swiss Safe Emergency Mylar Blankets Review
The Swiss Safe emergency mylar thermal blanket is one survival supply product that is essential in any preppers kit. Light weight and taking up very little space, this thermal blanket packs easily into your camping or bug out bag. In a weather or medical emergency, this thermal blanket is simply an item that you can’t do without. Swiss Safe’s multi-pack of mylar blankets are very affordable compared to the many uses you can receive from this survival item.
As many other online reviewer’s have noted, these mylar thermal blankets do work, but you have to know how to use them properly. A mylar blanket does not absorb any warmth like a traditional blanket does, but works by reflecting the heat from your body back to you. You essentially warm yourself up by using your own body heat. This Swiss Safe blanket reflects approximately 90% of your body heat, so it is very effective.
If you use the blanket incorrectly, then it won’t have a warming effect and your medical emergency could get worse. On the other spectrum, getting too hot to the point of sweating while wrapped in a mylar blanket is also a safety concern as you could freeze in your own sweat quickly.
Swiss Safe’s thermal blankets are rated as relatively durable, but it is made of mylar and it could easily get punctured if you’re not careful with it. You are also not going to be able to get the blanket folded back into the tiny plastic pouch it comes in after taking it out even one time - so make sure to pack a plastic sandwich baggie to store your mylar.
The uses for this product are only limited by your imagination. It can be used as a sunshade or shelter when hung up from trees with paracord, you can use it to stay dry and out of the rain, you can use it as a signaling tool, or you can use it to treat hypothermia and prevent shock in a medical emergency. You can capture water on this mylar blanket. Tie it up, and you have yourself a sling for an injury or a backpack to carry other items.
Treating shock with a “mylar person burrito”
Image from Physical Sports First Aid
Here are a few more ideas of how to use the Swiss Safe emergency mylar blanket: in the garden, a mylar blanket is great for creating shade and keeping plants warm. In the car, use the blanket as a sunshade or to cover your groceries and keep them cool on the way home from the grocery store. In an emergency you could use one to block the view or heat from your home’s windows. Amazingly, food can both be kept warm when wrapped in a blanket or it can be cooked with the radiated heat when shaped into a solar oven.
The uses for a mylar emergency thermal blanket are really endless.
These Swiss Safe emergency mylar blankets are some of the best priced available and in stock on Amazon. When you are in a survival emergency you will be glad that you spent the small cost on these thermal blankets to have a well-stocked prepper supply kit. Even if you do not like this product or think that you will never use it, you will thank yourself later by purchasing a few for your kits.
While small, this powerful survival tool is a must in any prepper’s planning activities. Make sure to pick up a few for each of your bug out bags and practice with them so you know how to properly use this essential tool.
Buy Swiss Safe Survival Mylar Thermal Blanket, Silver 10-Pack
A few savvy preppers also recommend keeping duct tape on hand as well so that you can securely tape this blanket together or into a shelter easily. Duct tape can be used all around the Homestead too.